
Support Ukrainian Children through our 'Gift from an Angel' Program

Written by Family of Christ International | Nov 16, 2023 9:36:43 PM

Join us this giving season as we launch our annual Gift from an Angel program, collecting 4,000 gifts for Ukrainian children! 

Sharing Christmas Hope with Ukrainian Children

This Christmas season, when you make a donation to Family of Christ International's Gift from an Angel project, you bring the gift of hope to children who are less fortunate and searching for hope -- to know that they are seen and not forgotten. 

Who will receive the Christmas gifts?

Much like previous years, we are collecting gifts for children living in six orphanages and children from low-income and displaced families. This year, we are expanding our mission to also reach children who live in territories of Ukraine recently liberated from Russian occupation, where such gifts are rare to find and afford.

What will the children receive in their gift boxes? 

Our Christmas boxes are organized so that, with your help, each child will receive basic necessities based on their living situations, as well as toys and sweets to encourage them to embrace the joys of childhood.

Most of our boxes are prepared with the following items: 

  • Hygiene items 
  • Socks, scarves, t-shirts
  • Towels, blankets, bed linens
  • Hair accessories 
  • Sweets
  • Sports equipment and board games 
  • Age appropriate toys

We understand that many needs present themselves at the end of the year. For the past 10 years, it has been our joy to visit orphans and widows in their distress and bring them ultimate gift of hope -- the love of Jesus Christ.

We know just how much a personally packed gift means for these children who rarely receive anything to call their own. That’s why for the past seven years, we have been excited to continue our year-end giving campaign Gift from an Angel to bring joy to the most vulnerable. 


Will You Help Share Hope This Christmas Season? 

Your financial support makes it possible for our team in Ukraine to collect, pack, and deliver each gift. Experience the joy of knowing your gift will make a difference in the lives of children surrounded by the chaos of war who may feel forgotten this Christmas season.

Donate to our Gift from an Angel program by clicking the button below. Follow us on social media to see your impact and watch our progress toward the goal of 4,000 gifts!